We have finally been able to create a stable home on the planet Xerem! We have water, electricity, and even a small laboratory to get us started. TogetherCraftians cannot live outside of our protected domes, as the air is too thin. Over exposure has led to some of the scientists becoming mutated and hostile. We have developed a cure that will allow us to heal the scientists, and rid them of this horrible mutation. These people are of the utmost importance, so it is vital we cure as many as we can. The Rockit foundation has agreed to give us the funds we need to complete the tasks. They have advised us that, the more scientists that you can cure, the larger the reward! Of course this shall not be an easy task, as the planet is riddled with nasty space creatures. Whilst curing the scientists, you must also keep them safe from wild creatures lurking outside. Resources are in short supply, so you must work together to collect the materials needed to cure as many scientists as possible. Are you ready to be part of the cure?