Without them we live with the animals
These are the rules and guidelines that every player on TogetherCraft must follow. They are made to ensure a friendly and enjoyable multiplayer experience for everyone.
By connecting to TogetherCraft, you agree to all of the rules below.
- 1️⃣ Respect Everyone
- 2️⃣ Griefing, Theft & Claiming Land
- 3️⃣ Farms & Redstone
- 4️⃣ Cheating, Bugs, and Exploits
- 5️⃣ Shopping District & Economy
- 6️⃣ Gaming District
- 7️⃣ World Preservation
- 8️⃣ Accounts & Inactivity
1️⃣ Respect Everyone
Treat others, as you would like to be treated. Be responsible. Treat everyone with respect and keep an appropriate behavior. We encourage players to communicate in the English language at all times. This is to ensure ease of communication on public chat and prevent vulgarity in non-English languages. However, you may communicate in any language when using /msg or /party chat.
1.1 – Be polite and show respect to others. We play on TogetherCraft to have fun, and being disrespectful is never fun for anyone. Usage of slurs and derogatory terms; whether it be racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious; is NOT tolerated.
1.2 – No spamming or flooding chat. Don’t repeat yourself or use CAPS LOCK. No chat trolling.
1.3 – Do not impersonate anyone, especially other players and staff members. Do not harass other players, or be a creep.
1.4 – No fancy text or glitch characters. Not only are they unpleasant to see on in-game chat, but they are also incompatible for narration.
1.5 – Do not beg for items, ranks, or any other benefit. Just play the game and earn it yourself.
1.6 – Drama, drugs, politics and religion in chat is not allowed.
1.7 – Threatening others is not tolerated. Doxxing, blackmailing, and extortion will be taken seriously. Threatening the server, and its security will also be taken very seriously by the staff team.
1.8 – Do not argue with or harass staff. They work hard to keep the server running smoothly.
1.9 – Moderate swearing is allowed. Please keep the chat friendly and harmless for all ages. Do not joke or talk about self-harm.
1.10 – Do not advertise or mention other servers, social media accounts, or any other goods or services.
1.11 – Only streams related to TogetherCraft are allowed in the #Streams channel on Discord. Any non related stream posts shall be removed without warning.
2️⃣ Griefing, Theft & Claiming Land
Griefing is the act of irritating, and angering people through the use of destruction or construction. To claim land or an area where you would like to build, simply add a sign, fence or wall with your name.
2.1 – Do not build within 100 blocks of another players land claim without their permission.
2.2 – Do not modify / remove another players claim or build that does not belong to you.
2.3 – Do not take any items from a chest, build, furnace, shulker etc. without the permission of the owner. Do not take anything that does not belong to you! Unless, the chest says “Free Items” or “Community Chest” then don’t take anything.
2.4 – Do not loot another players death location.
2.5 – No offensive or overly sexualized builds.
2.6 – Public areas should be accessible to all players. Claims may be removed if they’re found to be obstructing a public area without notice.
2.7 – If a player asks you to leave their claim/area, you must leave.
2.8 – Do not force yourself into builds with locked doors. All private areas must have the doors privated with a sign.
2.9 – Do not make 1×1 pillars or 1×1 holes to bedrock. They are ugly! If you do happen to make one, then remove it afterwards.
2.10 – Any land that is claimed, and not built on within 14 days will be forfeited.
2.11 – Land is free to claim, and cannot be sold to other players. This includes any claimed land, including farms.
3️⃣ Farms & Redstone
Redstone is an important part of the game, and we encourage players to build awesome redstone devices! However, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
3.1 – Redstone devices must have a way to be disabled. Usually, this is achieved by adding a clearly marked ON/OFF switch that the Staff Team can use if it becomes necessary.
3.2 – Lag machines are strictly prohibited. Any builds or items causing lag are not allowed. The staff team reserves the right to remove anything causing lag.
3.3 – Zero-tick farms are not allowed. These farms cause unnecessary frame lag (high frequency, excessive pistons) and are considered a game exploit as they generate items far faster than normal gameplay allows.
3.4 – Make your redstone farms visually appealing! Try to ensure your farms fit in with the themed district.
3.5 – Hoppers must not remain full. Designs must ensure hoppers can transfer items continuously. Full hoppers can cause server lag. Please empty chests regularly and ensure hoppers can function efficiently.
3.6 – Do not bypass redstone limits. Lag often results from excessive hoppers or redstone clocks firing every tick. The following redstone limits apply per chunk:
- Hoppers: 30
- Pistons: 20
- Observers: 10
- Sticky Pistons: 20
- Repeater: 20
- Comparator: 20
- Dropper: 20
- Spawner: 1
- Dispenser: 20
- Crafter: 1
3.7 – Respect the entity limits. Avoid mob and entity spamming. If you exceed this limit, entities may start to de-spawn and will not be recovered by the staff team. Malicious breaches of this rule may result in a ban.
3.8 – Shulker farms that use nether portals are not allowed.
3.9 – Wither Rose farms must not be built on the main End island.
3.10 – Fish farms using note blocks or wooden trapdoors are prohibited.
3.11 – AFK advantages through programs or mechanics are strictly prohibited.
3.12 – Chunk loaders are not allowed.
3.13 – Entity cramming is not allowed.
3.14 – Redstone Clocks must be efficient. Avoid redstone clocks that run constantly or fire every tick. If you need a clock, ensure it can be turned off when not in use.
3.15 – Item Sorters and Storage Systems must be optimised. Large storage systems with excessive hoppers, minecart hoppers, or constantly running item sorters can cause lag. Limit their scale and ensure they operate only when necessary.
3.16 – Flying Machines must be supervised. Flying machines left running unattended can cause performance issues. Always monitor these machines and ensure they are turned off when not in use.
4️⃣ Cheating, Bugs, and Exploits
Cheating is not permitted. Any modifications to the vanilla version of Minecraft game or resource packs that gives the player an unfair advantage are not allowed. This includes X-Ray resource packs. If you are discovered to be using a cheat, you will receive a higher punishment than normal. Hacking in any shape is absolutely not allowed. No exceptions.
4.1 – Do not take advantage of exploits. Do not dupe any item or blocks. If you have found an exploit, then please report it to the staff team.
4.2 – Do not evade or make attempts to bypass punishments.
4.3 – Bypassing your mute by using signs or chatting from the Discord server will double your mute. If bypassed from Discord, you will also be muted there.
4.4 – If it’s a server-side or Mojang-side bug, do not abuse it. Report it to the staff team.
4.5 – Modded clients that give you unfair advantages are strictly forbidden. Printer, and auto-building mods are not allowed. If caught, even if you’re not using any game-changing modifications, you will be banned. These are the only allowed mods:
- Better F3
- CIT Resewn
- Continuity
- Custom Entity Models (CEM)
- Entity Texture Features
- EntityCulling
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Essential
- Farsight
- Indium
- Inventory HUD+
- Iris Shaders
- Journeymap
- LambDynamicLights
- Litematica (EasyPlace Mode is not allowed)
- Light Overlay
- Lithium
- Logical Zoom
- Mod Menu
- Optifabric
- Phosphor
- Reeses Sodium Options
- Replay Mod
- Shaders
- Shulkerbox Tool Tips
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Starlight
- Voxel Map
- Xaero’s Minimap and World Map
These are the only allowed clients:
- Fabric
- Vanilla
- Optifine
- Lunar
4.6 – Auto-clickers are not allowed. Macros can only be used for commands or chat. For example: “welcome back” in chat.
4.7 – Resource Packs which give an unfair advantage are not allowed. For example: X-Ray resource packs.
5️⃣ Shopping District & Economy
You must have the Member rank or above to enter the Shopping district. The server currency is diamonds. All players are only allowed 2 marked shop plots of 15 x 15 blocks. All plots are already marked. Also, take a look at our Shopping District Guide.
5.1 – All shop owners must make it clear what they are selling, and the price. Do not use units like “db” or “d”, but instead type diamonds or diamond blocks. An example is below:
- 1 diamond
- 3 diamonds
- 1 diamond block
- 3 diamond blocks
5.2 – Give your shop a name, so others can easily find it. All shops must have a sign within their plot with the shop name, and shop owner name. The sign must be placed at the front of your shop in a visible location.
5.3 – Only 2 shops / plots per player. No co-owned or shared shops. You cannot merge 2 plots together, and are allowed only one shop per plot.
5.4 – Do not build outside of your marked shop plot. All plots sizes are 15 x 15. Do not build your shop higher or lower than 20 blocks from the ground level. Your shop must be contained within your plot. Any blocks, overhang or decoration outside of your plot will be trimmed without warning. Do not create your own shop plots.
5.5 – All shops must be original, and themed. No general stores or pop-up shops, which try to sell every item quickly! The items in your shop must fit the shop theme. You can find examples of themes in our Shopping District Guide.
5.6 – Shop plots are free to claim. Do not claim 2 plots at once. You must stock, and finish building your first shop before claiming your second plot. You are not allowed to sell your shop/s.
5.7 – You must finish building, and stock your shop within 7 days. If you do not complete your build within 7 days, then you shall lose your claim to the plot. This may include complete removal, and you will not be reimbursed the materials or items.
5.8 – Respect the market value of items in the Price Index. The prices within this index are the minimum, that of which you can sell an item for in our world. You can sell items for a higher price than what is listed within our Price Index, but you can’t sell items for less. This is to ensure a fair economy for everyone.
5.9 – Coupons, Giveaways, and “Free Items” are not allowed. Sales are permitted, but must respect the Price Index.
5.10 – Do not steal or remove any items, which you can’t pay for. Do not modify or edit other players shops.
5.11 – To ensure a smooth shopping experience for everyone, we have the following limits per shop below. We ask that shop owners do their best to limit entities where possible.
- Armor Stands: 2
- Item Frames: 16
5.12 – The following are not allowed in the shopping district:
- Mobs
- Villagers
- Nether Portals
- Beacons
- Farms
5.13 – Shops which are empty or not stocked for 14 days, shall be removed without warning or auctioned. Players who are inactive for 45 days will have their shops removed without warning or auctioned. This may include complete removal, and you will not be reimbursed the materials or items.
5.14 – Do not build within 3000 blocks of the Shopping District. Do not build shops outside of the Shopping District.
5.15 – Service Shops cannot sell items within their shop. The plot can only be used for advertisement, and collection or drop off of materials.
6️⃣ Gaming District
You must have the Member rank or above to enter the Gaming district.
6.1 – Do not steal or remove any items, which do not belong to you.
6.2 – Do not modify or edit other players games.
6.3 – Do not leave redstone uncovered, and make your games look presentable.
6.4 – Try and finish your game, as soon as possible. Any unfinished games will be removed without warning after 60 days.
6.5 – Players who are inactive for 45 days or more, will have their games removed without warning or auctioned.
6.6 – All game owners must make their pricing clear, and provide a guide with rules.
6.7 – Games NOT in the Gaming district, must be free to play. You can only request diamonds for games in the gaming district.
6.8 – Do not build within 3000 blocks of the Gaming District.
7️⃣ World Preservation
Our world is extremely important to us. Together we have spent a lot of time creating incredible things, and we want to ensure we provide an exciting, fair, and enjoyable environment for everyone who joins. Please follow them to ensure that all players have equal opportunities to gather what they need.
7.1 – Global:
- Gather resources such as wood, ores, and crops responsibly. Replant trees after chopping them down and avoid strip-mining large areas close to spawn or other players’ bases.
- Use the Resource World for the gathering of large quantity of materials.
- Do not destroy any Trial Chambers. Do not break or modify any blocks within the Trial Chambers, including the walls, floor, and ceiling. You can break decorated pots, cobwebs, and copper grates when access is needed to reach an area. If the chamber has any redstone mechanisms (e.g., doors, lights), do not tamper with them. Leave all mechanisms as they are.
7.2 – Overworld:
- If you dig large mines or quarries, mark them clearly and ensure they don’t disrupt the landscape or cause hazards for others.
- When building roads, railways, or other transport systems, ensure they are safe, efficient, and do not disrupt the landscape or other players’ builds.
7.3 – Nether:
- Ensure your Nether portal does not interfere with others. Avoid building portals too close to existing ones, and if your portal links incorrectly, take steps to fix the issue or inform a staff member.
- When building tunnels or paths in the Nether, ensure they are safe and accessible for other players. This includes adding protective blocks against lava, lighting to prevent mobs, and clear signage to avoid confusion.
- If there is a shared Nether Hub, contribute responsibly to its expansion. Do not block or excessively alter paths.
7.4 – The End:
- Do not destroy any structures, including End Cities, End Gateways, or the central End Island, unless explicitly permitted. Respect the natural landscape and creations of others.
- If you build or use an Enderman farm for XP, ensure it is designed safely and doesn’t cause excessive lag. Always repair any damage caused and leave the farm in good working order.
- Do not destroy End loot chests, or remove ender chests. You may of course remove any loot from the chests in the End, or elytra from item frames.
- Only 2 Map / Sticker Platforms per player.
7.5 – The Resource World:
- The Resource World will be reset without warning. Any items or builds shall not be reimbursed.
- Structures in the Resource World are temporary. Do not create permanent bases or complex structures as they will be lost during the world reset. Focus on gathering resources instead.
- Do not grief the spawn area.
- Only public food farms are allowed in the Resource World.
7.6 – Resource Nether:
- The Resource Nether will be reset without warning. Any items or builds shall not be reimbursed.
- Structures in the Resource Nether are temporary. Do not create permanent bases or complex structures as they will be lost during the world reset. Focus on gathering resources instead.
- Do not grief the spawn area.
8️⃣ Accounts & Inactivity
Do not share your personal information anywhere online. Even to your closest online friends. This is for your digital and physical safety.
8.1 – You are only allowed to have one account. This means you are not allowed to have alt accounts.
8.2 – Players who are inactive for more than 90 days will lose claim to any land, or builds. This can include complete removal. Any self-claiming will be considered as theft, and the appropriate punishment will be given.
8.3 – Players who are inactive for more than 45 days, will have their shops removed or auctioned to other players.
8.4 – Players who we believe are not a good fit within our community will be removed.
8.5 – Players who are banned, or removed from the community forfeit their right to transfer items, bases or plots to other players.
Can’t find something? Ask a member of the Staff Team or send a Modmail.
No rules lawyering — if your excuse for bad behaviour, is that it wasn’t specifically outlined in these rules, you will still be punished.
We reserve the right to change our rules at any time.