The BEST Minecraft SMP Server 2023 - Adult Minecraft Server - TogetherCraft

Events This Week

Check out this weeks events below.

FRIDAY 4th August – Monthly Trade Fair!

Time to find some extra diamonds! This Friday, our favourite traders arrive with some new goodies. The traders will be selling a variety of items, and heads for everyone to purchase. They shall arrive on Friday, and shall be here until Sunday 6th August. Currency will be diamonds. Due to in game rules, only Member and above will be able to visit the Shopping District. If you are not a member, you still have time to rank up!

FRIDAY 4th August – 5pm UTC – Silent Auction Ends!

Our monthly silent auction ends this Friday! Make sure you get your bids in before Friday at 5pm UTC. When players get banned or go inactive with the community, we shulker box up their items, and keep it securely locked away! This is now your chance to grab their forbidden goodies at the Silent Auction. This is a Member, and above event due to the value of the items in the shulkers. Happy bidding everyone!

SATURDAY 5th August – 11am UTC – Flatpack Frenzy!

Have you heard? IKEA is now OPEN in the Alpha City! A brand new store means some brand new staff. You have all been invited to IKEA’s very own “Recruitment Day”. The IKEA Store Manager is looking for hard working individuals who can produce flatpack furniture with ease! This is your chance to showcase your flatpack building skills! You must collect, and craft the materials which will be showcased in the new store. The lucky winner of the recruitment day shall be given a new work contract, and a high paying salary! Can you handle the Flatpack Frenzy?

SATURDAY 5th August – 7pm UTC – Shulker Showdown!

The TogetherX Space Shuttle is under attack! We are all on an extremely important mission to support Earth 2, and the supplies we are carrying are crucial for their survival. We cannot fail this mission! It seems that whilst soaring through space we have collected some strange looking purple box alien thing. They are stuck to the shell of space shuttle, and the window wipers just will not remove them. These shulkers are slowing us down, and the Captain needs them removed immediately! Are you ready for a Shulker Showdown?

SUNDAY 6th August – 7pm UTC – Midnight Robbery!

Roughly 2 years from this date, George the Gem Trader was travelling peacefully home to his family when he was ambushed! You would think that George would of learnt his lesson, and taken another route home? Well, you guessed wrong. George didn’t want to take his chances, and be late home for his Fish supper. So, he took the exact same route home. This is where George was ambushed again! All his gems were thrown around the woods, and he really needs your help in finding them. In distress, George tried his best to collect as many gems as he could scattered around the woods. But, he couldn’t find them all. Can you help George find the gems? He shall reward you for any gems that you find!

Everyone is welcome to join!

Ready to start your adventure?

Apply now! Fill out a Newcomer application on Discord.