Check out this weeks events below.
SATURDAY 23rd September – 11am UTC – Rabbit Season!
Farmer Sampson needs our help again at The Farm! It seems they have a really bad rabbit problem, and need our help in exterminating them. The pesky bunnies have been happily eating their carrots, and Farmer Sampson has had enough! Due to the huge amount of carrots being lost, the farmer was able to make a deal with a nearby neighbour. They will buy the rabbits, rabbit hide, and lucky rabbits feet. This is Farmer Sampson’s offer to you… Collect the most raw rabbit, rabbit hide and rabbits foot, and you shall be rewarded with a prize for your hard work!
SATURDAY 23rd September – 7pm UTC – The Final Kingdom!
The dead have finally come back to life, and have been plaguing the world! They have devoured towns, cities, and even small children. There is only one Kingdom left, and everyone who is left in the World is heading there. This shall be our final stand against the hundreds of dead! The King, Queen, and their 3 children have invited us all to the safety of their Kingdom. With only a single bridge leading to the Castle, it is fairly secure. But, how long will we be able to stay safe? This is our final moment to save the living. Will you fight with honour or fly away like a chicken?
SUNDAY 24th September – 7pm UTC – Poké Hunt!
Last weekend you were challenged to remove the Poké Center, as quick as possible. As we all know, KieranBristoll_ was awarded the contract for completing the demolition as quick as possible. However, it seems that being as quick as possible, doesn’t mean that you are best suited for the job. Whilst removing the walls of the Poké Center, Kieran and his team accidentally let the Pokémon escape! All of these wild Pokémon are running around freely in the world, and Nurse Joy now needs your help in catching them all!
Everyone is welcome to join!