It looks like Santa recruited too many elves this year, and their food supply is getting a little short! Being the peak of winter, fresh food is extremely rare to find. Mrs Claus, has been nagging Santa about building a greenhouse for years, and it turns out it now makes sense as to why. With only a few weeks of food left, the elves will go hungry after Christmas if we do not find them food soon. The only food source available is fish! Can you fish for Santa?
Santa knows how urgent, and important this mission is, so will be trading any fish you collect for rewards. We will only have 15 minutes to collect as much fish as we can, before the lake freezes over.
Event: Fishing Event
Event Location: Event Portal
Event Date: Saturday 11th December – 7pm UTC
Everyone is welcome to join! Including Newcomers. Leave your items, tools and weapons at home or in the barrels provided.