As you all know, Santa and I are clearly best friends! Therefore, he has asked for my help in ensuring that your Christmas wishes come true. Many of you may have noticed the large red postbox and wondered what it’s for. Well, the surprise is over. This is your chance to send a letter to Santa! In your letter, include your name and one wish. On Friday, December 22nd – 7 pm UTC, I will be hosting a live stream on Twitch to read the wishes of 20 random players. If your wish is reasonable, it will be granted! Make sure you head to the Christmas Village and tell Santa what you would like for Christmas. You can use your own book and quill, or one of Santa’s Helpers is available for you to buy them too! The red postbox is located opposite the Christmas Village portal. Wish examples:
- Monthly Keys
- Reward Keys
- Christmas Keys
- Monthly Item
- Reward Crate Item
- Unbreakable Tools or Armour
- Shulker of Diamonds
- Shulker of Shulker Shells
- Shulker of Wood
- 1 Monthly Key for Everyone online
- Vindicator Spawn Egg
- Christmas Key for everyone online
- A pet cow named Jennifer
Merry Christmas everyone!