Check out this week events below.
FRIDAY 5th January – Monthly Trade Fair!
Time to find some extra diamonds! This Friday, our favourite traders arrive with some new goodies. The traders will be selling a variety of items, and heads for everyone to purchase. They shall arrive on Friday, and shall be here until Sunday 7th January. Currency will be diamonds. Due to in game rules, only Member and above will be able to visit the Shopping District. If you are not a member, you still have time to rank up!
SATURDAY 6th January – 11am UTC – Wheat Wars!
Farmer Sampson is looking for a new wheat supplier! They have recently started selling bread in their farm shop, and it has proven to be more popular than they expected. They need a wheat supplier which is fast, efficient, and economical. This is Wheat Wars! With only an abandoned allotment, you must prove to Farmer Sampson that you can provide them with as much wheat as possible. The player who can provide the most wheat in 20 minutes shall be given the contract.
SATURDAY 6th January – 7pm UTC – Double Trouble!
Due to the recent heavy rainfall the local people of Avalon have been warned that the Avalon Dam could burst any moment! The technicians, and engineers are doing their best to stop this fatal disaster from happening, but they can only give us a short amount of time. The locals are rushing around to leave, as the dam could break any moment. There is only one problem though…. the wild animals do not know they are in danger! Just like Noah’s Ark it is your mission to find 2 of every animal as quickly as you can. But, there is also one predicament. Are the lives of zombies, creepers, and skeletons worth saving? Or are they just double trouble?
SUNDAY 7th January – NO EVENT
There shall be NO EVENT this Sunday, as we shall be driving and then spending time with family.
Everyone is welcome to join. Have a great rest of the week!