Hey everyone! The shopping price index has been updated to include the 1.19 items, and blocks. If you are selling these items, then please take a few minutes to review your shop pricing.
The prices within this index are the minimum, that of which you can sell an item for in our world. You can sell items for a higher price than what is listed here, but you can’t sell for less than what is within our price index. This is to ensure a fair economy for everyone who opens a shop within our Shopping District.
- 1 diamond per 16 froglight
- 1 diamond per 128 mangrove leaves
- 1 diamond per 32 mangrove log
- 1 diamond per 32 mangrove propagule
- 1 diamond per 32 mangrove roots
- 1 diamond per 64 mud
- 1 diamond per 32 mud bricks
- 1 diamond per 32 muddy mangrove roots
- 1 diamond per 32 packed mud
- 1 diamond per 64 sculk
- 1 diamond per 8 sculk catalyst
- 1 diamond per 8 sculk shrieker
- 1 diamond per 8 sculk sensor
- 1 diamond per 64 sculk vein
- 2 diamonds per 1 bucket of tadpole
- 1 diamond per 4 disc fragment
- 1 diamond per 1 echo shard
- 2 diamonds per goat horn
- 9 diamonds per 1 recovery compass
- 1 diamond per 4 boat with chest
- Music Disc 5 comes under Music Discs which is 2 diamonds per 1 music disc
You can view the updated price index here. Have a great rest of the day!