Hey everyone! I have been busy making sure our NEW Shopping District is nothing, but perfect for you all. We have a NEW Town Hall, Coloured Street Signs, and a fantastic new layout.
Introducing the Shopping District Price Index! 💰
What the hell is a price index? Well, how often do you hear players say “I had the first shop, so I set the price!”. Well, that is no more. Myself, and the staff team along with your help shall now together set the base price for items within the shopping district. The prices within this index are the minimum, that of which you can sell an item for in our world. You can sell items for a higher price than what is listed here, but you can’t sell for less than what is within our price index.
I spent 14 hours typing up this list, so I may have missed an item. If so, please send a Modmail so we can either add, remove or edit the item. All shops within the NEW Shopping District must ensure their prices are accurate, and are not less than within the price index.
You can view the price index online here: https://togethercraft.online/shopping-district-price-index/
Making Themes More Clear!
Your shop must be original, and have a theme. By having themed shops it makes it easy for others to understand what you are selling. To make it clear what is classed as a shop theme, we have updated the Shopping District Guide which can be viewed here: https://togethercraft.online/guide/shopping-district/
Mob Drop Shops, Block Shops, and Villagers Shops are no longer allowed within the Shopping District.
Prominent Shops!
The following players, and shops have already been allocated shop plots within the new shopping district. We would like to invite the following players to view the NEW Shopping District, and select a new plot before other players. Plots have already been allocated, however you are more than welcome to move your allocated plot. This must be done before Monday 20th December at 4pm UTC. If you would like to select your plot, then either message Myself or Fenris8 in game or send a ModMail. This is claiming only, you have to wait to build.
Shop plots are free to claim. Do not claim 2 plots at once. You must stock, and finish building your first shop before claiming your second plot.
NEW Shopping District, NEW Rules!
We have tweaked a few rules to ensure a smooth shopping experience for everyone! Not much has changed, but the most important is the entity limits per shop.You can now only have 2 armor stands, and 15 item frames per shop. Exceptions can be made, if approved by modmail. Please review the new rules before opening a shop here: https://togethercraft.online/rules/ – If any questions, then just send us a modmail!
This ensures that those with less powerful computers, are able to enjoy shopping like everyone else.
I know this is a lot of changes, but I am very excited to introduce the NEW Shopping District to you all! Our NEW Shopping District, will ensure a strong shopping experience for years to come!